Wednesday 23 January 2013

Evaluation question 3

For my music video i gained valuable audience feedback from various different people.

Probably the biggest piece of audience feedback I received came when showing my video to a class of around 10-12 people of both genders aged between 16-18 and a smaller group of around 5-6 people aged at around 12-13. We received mostly positive feedback from this, people commented saying that it was easy to identify the genre of the video because it adhered clearly to the generic codes and conventions of the Romance genre. Another common positive comment my video received was that they liked the narrative of my film, it was said that using a fragmented narrative via the use of flashbacks was a good technique an worked well and also that the song worked well with the video. The video did also receive some negative feedback and things that that could be improved upon. For example the main critique people gave and said that the video could be improved with the inclusion of more flashback scenes of Dan and Chloe to make the narrative that little bit stronger. Also what was said was that towards the end there was slightly too many shots of Dan just playing the guitar and they felt it got a tiny bit repetitive.

Some of the Feedback received was of great help as it was specific and therefore informed me on what  could do to improve my work such as the comments I wrote about in the previous paragraph, however some of it was not overly helpful as it was about things that i had no real control over such as the lack of sun during the flashback scenes, while that would have given those shots a better effect that is not something I can control or change and therefore those comments were not overly helpful.

As well as showing people my video i also showed them my ancillary texts ( Digipack and Poster). This information was useful as I was having small trouble with getting my ancillaries to how i wanted them. Originally when i showed my Digipack all 3 images were in their natural colours and I was not overly happy with them, bit after showing it to people it was suggested that maybe I try putting it into black and white. I took this on board and tried it and i was far happier with the images that way, so the feedback I received on my ancillaries was extremely useful.

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