Saturday 17 November 2012

Audience Feedback- Planning and preparation

When asking for feedback on my planning stages for my music video I received a largely positive response. The main positives where that by looking at the planning I had done they could easily identify what my Genre was going to be and that I was going to adhere to the generic codes and conventions of the genre. They also said that it was a strong idea with good opportunity for a variety of shots that would help make my video a success.

What was suggested I could improve on was having a slightly more detailed storyboard to make it easier when it came to the filming process so i know which scenes and shots I need to do, so i will make sure that I take that on board make a more detailed one. Also a common response was to make sure we had a certified cast because at the time we only had one actor for sure, but I have now adressed this issue and we now have all the actors we need.

We asked these 3 because we knew they were fans of the genre, so next time we will get a wider opinion from people who are perhaps not fans of the romance genre and also get a female perspective.

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