Tuesday 2 October 2012

Risk Assessment

After visiting shot locations for the video, I assessed potential hazards and risks that could occur when filming.

Beach- With the stony/ uneven surface at Sidmouth beach, it could be hard to keep balance and may result in an actor falling over or something similar. To avoid this the actors will be briefed on making sure they stay in control of their actions and to make sure they are aware of what they are doing.

Roundball Hill- With Autumn / winter approaching, it is likely to be wet or damp on the hill which could again result in slips and falls from the actors. To avoid this the actors will again be briefed on exactly what they are to do and make sure they behave sensibly. Also if it is rather slippery, safer and more appropriate footwear will be used for extra grip.

Filming car- As a car will be used as a way of shooting tracking shots ect, there is always an element of risk as accidents could occur. To ensure this does not happen the driver will be told to drive slowly, safely and responsibly.

West Hill woods- Much like the hill and the beach, there is a possibility of the actors tripping over, with things like tree roots and uneven ground. To make it as safe as possible, we will walk slowly, carefully and once again brief the actors and make sure they know what the possible risks are and that they behave responsibly. Also we will make sure when filming the path the actors will be taking is clear of things such as fallen branches.

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