Tuesday 17 July 2012

My Music Video Idea - Narrative and Genre

The idea that I will be doing for my music video will be of the Romance genre. The basic story line is that our protagonist, a boy suffering from a break up, will be walking around to different locations ( looking sad ) where he has memories of being with his now ex-girlfriend. As he looks at the locations E.G. Park bench, he will have a flashback memory of him and his ex girlfriend when they were still together, showing them being happy/ loved up and having a good time, then it will cut back to real time, and he will continue to walk around. Eventually he will  have the chance to get back together with his ex girlfriend but in a tiwst he will turn her down and will then end up getting together with a new girl with the girl in a slightly subverted-stereotypical love story manner.

The Genre of the music video is a stereotypical boy/ girl romance told in a less stereotypical manner. The story will focus on a couple/ ex couple and will be a classic love story being interfered with some problem, but by using a fragmented narrative, the love story will be told in a different way.

The Narrative of the Music Video Will be fragmented as while the Protagonist walks around looking at old locations where he has memories of him and the antagonist (ex-girlfriend), he will be having flash backs of that memory and we will then show him spending time with her in the past. So as opposed to a classic Linear narrative we will tell the story in a fragmented manner using memories.

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