Monday 16 July 2012

Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe.

I am looking at this video From Carly Rae Jepsen's 'Call Me Maybe' and breaking it down into Genre, Narrative, Representation, audience and Media Language. The video clearly comes under the Love/Romance Genre. You can tell this right from the very start as it evident that Carly Rae has a crush on the boy she is looking through the window at. Also in the same scene there is a close-up shot of some books on a table which are romantic novels, the front cover of one of them is later represented by Carly Rae and the man in the video when she falls off the car and starts dreaming.

The representations of this video at first glance are rather stereotypically of a girl falling for a boy, which one would assume would lead to them eventually getting together by the end. However, this video hits us with a plot twist right at the end where it then becomes clear that the video is actually representing the 'romance' in a subverted stereotypical way by revealing to us as viewers that the man in the video is actually gay and has no love interest in Carly Rae, Thus showing to us why he showed no real attention to her antics.

The Narrative of the video largely is just a case of seeing her lusting over / trying to get the attention of a man that doesn't seem to show any interest in her in return so the video is being narrated by her in a fairly Linear sense by the way she tries to win him over. This changes however when she falls off the car and starts dreaming, as in her dream she is with the man and they are about to start kissing, much like the cover of the romantic novel seen previously, so the narrative takes a turn towards fantasy and we see what it coud be like if they were together.

The audience for a video such as this would most likely be for fans of pop music, as it is clearly a pop music video. you can tell this from the bright colours/clothing and Carly Rae's bright Make-up. The slightly generic beat of the song is also a give-away as it (or something similar) is present in many a pop song. One final reason for this would be that it plays out a fairly stereotypical 'romance' which would also be associated with pop music perhaps due to the upbeat nature of the Genre.

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