Tuesday 19 June 2012

Conventions for the Action Genre.

Main Conventions- The main conventions for a Action genre film would include such things as:

  • large explosions
  • Gun fights/ Fist fights/ other sorts of conflict
  • Large, butch men (usually), Skilled fighters 
  • Car chases
  • High Tempo
  • Hectic 
  • heavy sort of music to accompany high action scenes
  • Attractive women
These are just some of the things that came into my mind when i think of the main conventions that would appear in an Action film.

Semantics associated with this genre would again be things such as:
  • Guns
  • Fast cars
  • Drugs
  • Hench men
examples of the sorts of cars usually used in this genre are cars like Ford GTs, Mustangs and Ferraris.

the sorts of people would usually be rather muscly, Tall and fast.

Syntactically an action film would begin with something more calm, where the character will be introduced to allow the audience to get a feel of the character, after this, say if the film was based on a bank robbery, you might see the robbers planning their assault on the bank where they will then go and carry out their plan more often than not accompanied by a fight sequence (usually with guns). After robbing the bank there is normally always a car chase of high speed proportions with guns shots being fired all over the place. I guess it could be said that the film often starts of quietly and builds up to a massive bowl of action.

Certain film producers and directors might use a specific genre such as this because they want to appeal to a certain type of audience. If the film company had already released a few films of other genres over the year, they might feel that they are missing out on a certain proportion of the audience and so they create an action film to tap into the other parts of the media market.

MISS LEA. My Bubble.com is not currently working neither on the school mac or mine at home so i made it text based so you didn't think i was just not bothering to do my homework.  I will transfer this to slideshare ASAP but the Powerpoint thing keeps not responding so i'll do it later.

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