Wednesday 7 November 2012

Preliminary Filming With Voice Over.


This is our Preliminary filming video, we used this as an opportunity to practice a small variety of shots and to get a feel of angles and also to improve our knowledge on using the cameras.

What i think went well about this exercise is that we used a series of shots such as a close-up, a long shot, a mid shot and a long-to mid shot. I think for such a short clip that is a fair variety of shots. this ties in with what I also think we did well, which is showing the journey of the protagonist by using the different shots and angles. As our video will include our protagonist on a journey from destination to destination this exercise was very useful for gaining experience on which shots work and which shots don't.

What i think we didn't do well and need to improve on is that in some of the shots the camera was a bit shaky, this is because we did not use a tripod for those particular ones when we should have, so to adress this in our actual filming process we will make sure that those shots such as the Mid-long shot and ones similar to it will be shot using a tripod to ensure camera and shot stability.

After getting some audience feedback on this video, people very much stayed true to what i thought went well and not so well:

the majority of the people when asked about what they thought of it said:

  • Good shot variety 
  • Good use of angles
  • Camera shaky in some shots
  • As we're doing a music video we could have put some music over the top
  • Could have put in transitions between shots to make it flow better rather than just jump cuts.
What I learned from this feedback is which sort of shots are best shot with a tripod to avoid shakiness and which shots do and do not work well. I also learned that a good use of transitions will improve the videos quality greatly such as a cross-fade to make the video more fluent from shot to shot.


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