Tuesday 3 July 2012

M.I.A Music Video - Representations.

This is a good video to look at when talking about representation as it challenges the main stereotypes that you would normally associate with the culture portrayed in the video. The people in the video are mainly Arabs or people of Asian ethnicity, a culture known for it's strict rules and conservative way of life. This video challenges this stereotype in such a way that the people in the video seem the complete opposite of strict and conservative. Throughout the video, you see the people dancing, wearing bright colours and doing crazy things like Driving cars at high speeds on two wheels while people balance on them. This is all a Subverted stereotype as in some places in Asia is is illegal to even own things such as music CDs and other things like it, so the fact that everyone is dancing, singing and having a wild time shows that they are breaking from the Norms of the culture as it definitely something that would never normally occur In many countries across Asia. So to conclude it can be said that the people being represented in this music video are people of Asian ethnicity and are being positively represented in a way that is a subverted stereotype and shows to us that their culture is not as strict and conservative as the stereotype of them might lead us to believe.

1 comment:

  1. Nice observation on Representation Charlie- well done! Let's get goin' with terminology and theory! :)
