Tuesday 12 June 2012

The 2 Briefs and The Linked Theories.

Brief 1: we can create a promotional package for the release of a music album which would have to include the creation of a promo video to go with 2 other creation options that include:

  • A website homepage made for the band/Artist.
  • A cover for the release of the DVD.
  • A Magazine advertisement for the DVD

Brief 10: Creation of A short film which would last around about 5 minutes, the film can be live action or an animation or even a combination of the both. This will go together with 2 of the following options:
  • A poster to accompany the film.
  • A radio trailer for the film
  • A film magazine review page featuring the film.

Also we must include into our chosen brief of coursework the key, linked theories such as:
  • Genre.
  • Narrative.
  • Representation.
  • Audience.
  • Media language.

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