This is a powerpoint of the locations we will be using in our video, some of the shots and angles in the images will also be the same as the shots in the actual film on that location, but not all of them.
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Photos of shots and locations.
This is a powerpoint of the locations we will be using in our video, some of the shots and angles in the images will also be the same as the shots in the actual film on that location, but not all of them.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
This is a photograph of our mood board for our Music video for the 'Romance' Genre. We included within in it a variety of the different conventions that stereotypically would make up a 'Romance' video. Most importantly we used a repetition of a motif and included the word love a lot in various different places mainly to make it very clear at first glance exactly what Genre we are going for. We also included lots of red, Both in our imaged and with the colours of the key words which all are a representation of love or romance. The colour red is stereotypically related to 'Love' and for that reason we chose the colours accordingly. Something that is a clear representation of Love is the heart, so naturally we included pictures or hearts in our mood board as they are often used as the main theme when symbolising love itself. We Included lots of close ups and long shots of couples either kissing, face to face or walking side by side, this is key to our chosen genre as without the couples are the ones who are in love in the first place, the reason that we used so many close up shots is because we think that doing so in our own music video will be a great way of highlighting the emotion of our characters and hopefully really emphasising their feeling of Love. The brown pieces of paper around the edges are passages of lyrics from our chosen song, which is appropriate for our chosen genre. Our Story line will include a break up so we thought it important to include pictures or people crying and looking upset as that is what will also be involved in our Music video. Other pictures include Poster images and scenes from films that we can gain inspiration from as they are of the same genre, so films like 'P.S I love you' is on our mood board because it matches our genre and also uses memories as a way of creating different scenes, which is similar to what we are going to be doing with our video.
This is me and Calum presenting our Mood Board to the rest of the class.
When we presented our mood board we generally got very positive feedback. What was said to be good about it was that straight away when looking at it, it is clear what the genre is, largely due to the word love being spread about the place and the big red hearts. It was also said that the images used were good, such as the two holding hands creating a heart and we were told to use some of the shots and images as inspiration and include them in our own video. Something else positive that was said about some of the images was that the composition for some of them was really good, such as the couple walking on the beach, it was said the shot was really good and again that we should use it in our video too. Some people commented on the Big red words and said it was a nice touch as it made clear what the genre was and also related back to/ represented the overall theme of love and Romance. Also the photographs she is looking at on the poster image of 'P.S I love you' spread across the floor was said to be a nice touch and it was again suggested we try something similar.
What we were told we could improve on were things such as the fact we did not include enough images of people looking sad or of people crying, therefore we didn't have enough representation of a break up so it was not made clear that we intend to include a break up in our actual video. The other main point was that although we did include lyrics, they are not very clear, and there is not very much of them, so perhaps we could make them bolder and include the song in it's entirety rather than just a few of the verses from it.
Main Male Protagonist- Daniel Rugg - He will be the one who will be walking around looking at old locations then having the flashback memories of him and his now ex girlfriend.
Main Female Character- Chloe Hosegrove - Will feature in the Flashback memories.
Main Female Character- Chloe Hosegrove - Will feature in the Flashback memories.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Generic codes and conventions for the Romance genre.
This is a MindMap of the generic codes and conventions of my chosen Genre Romance. It Ranges from things you would expect to see in a Video of this genre to the type of shots used within it. This will enable me to ensure that my own video contains these Conventions so i can adhere to them and everyone can clearly see what genre my music video falls under.